//* BBREV-Bollinger's Band Reverse System With 飆股創高+超績創高+陰陽線反轉選股
input:VolLength(10); SetInputName(1, "均量天期");
input:VolumeLimit(500); SetInputName(2, "最小均量");
var: sGrowth240(""),sGrowth480(""),sGrowth(""),kType("");
var: v_avg_vol(0);
// 過濾掉成交量太低的
v_avg_vol = Average(volume, VolLength);
if v_avg_vol < VolumeLimit then return;
sGrowth240 = chkOver240(-15,200,-100,-100);
if sGrowth240 = "" then sGrowth480 = chkOver480(-100,-100);
if sGrowth240 ="" and sGrowth480 = "" then return;
IF sGrowth240<>"" then sGrowth = "2_" + sGrowth240
else sGrowth = "4_" + sGrowth480;
kType = GetKtype("做多",0.2,0.8);//ALL,做多,做空
//condition1 = instr(kType,"+上升三法") > 0;
//condition1 = instr(kType,"+多頭執帶") > 0;
if kType = "" then return;
SetOutputName1("創高成長率"); OutputField1(sGrowth);
SetOutputName2("K線型態"); OutputField2(kType);
Ret = 1;